Reflections on Federal Environmental Policy essay

The current major environmental issues include pollution (water, air and land pollution), overpopulation, water scarcity, land degradation, nuclear waste contamination, global climate change, and depletion of resources, and other issues. Most environmental issues require adequate solutions in the form of environmental protection. I think that related policies are effective, although much should be done to […]

What Money Can’t Buy: The Moral Limits of Markets essay

The development of the contemporary society tends to the increasing impact of consumerism on social relations, culture and values of people. In such a situation, the development of the contemporary society leads to the devaluation of basic moral values and to dehumanization of interpersonal relations, when consumerist and commercial relations become determinant in social relations. […]

Essay on Interrelation of Domestic Violence and White Oppression in the Novel of Alice Walker “The Third Life of Grange Copeland”

A strong desire to feel more like a man is a widely spread phenomenon. The book of Alice Walker vividly describes this phenomenon in her book “The Third Life of Grange Copeland”. Thus, the first scene between son and father after Brownfield’s imprisonment, Grange Copeland gives a bright definition of masculinity and manhood and emphasizes […]

Essay on Republic or Democracy

The concept of republic and democracy were not absolutely identical and Founding Fathers’ vision of the US republic differed from the contemporary view of the US political system. The Founding Fathers selected the best way of the political development for the new nation and they choose republic, where the nation is ruled by laws and […]

M5 – Working Mother’s 100 Best Companies essay

Today, employment opportunities for mothers is an important issue because many women view pregnancy and childbirth as the end to their professional career and development. However, today, many companies grow more and more concerned with the creation of favorable conditions for working mothers but their efforts are often insufficient to meet all needs of working […]

Essay on The Right Stuff by Thomas Wolfe – an Anthology of Heroism

The Right Stuff by Thomas Wolfe is a lively and sincere account of lives of post war American pilots and first American astronauts. The story is touching and witty. It is written in unforgettable Wolfe’s manner which makes it original and amusing.  Even people who are not interested in aviation and space flight will enjoy […]

Law Regulations about Cyber Crimes and their Efficiency essay

There exist a great number of cyber crimes that should be taken into consideration when analyzing the problem of jurisdiction and law regulations in regard to the violations within the cyberspace. There can be specified different degrees of the existing crimes that generally depend on the services acquired without authorization or certain harm caused to […]

Essay on Final speech of The Great Dictator

The Final speech of The Great Dictator by Charlie Chaplin is the sample of the inductive reasoning which involves the reference of the narrator to parts to eventually arrive to the complex notion, in case of the Jewish Barber, the final complex notion, which he defines is happiness of people. Distinct feature of inductive reasoning, […]

American Government essay

Three main values the US stands for are democracy, human rights, and diversity. The US stands for democracy because it is one of the first western democracies that shape the modern democracy worldwide. The US emerged as the nation, where people were always free and where human rights laid the foundation to the US Constitution, […]