Essay on Timing of Puberty

Puberty influences boys and girls differently.  Early and late puberty can become the source of problems in some cases. For girls early puberty can become the source of psychological problems. It can also form negative perception of their bodies. In many cases girls who go through puberty early can gain extra weight and in our society only thin body is usually perceived as beautiful.  In addition, physically mature body is not always supplemented by the equal psychological development and this may cause mismatch in looks and behaviors.  Late puberty also brings problems to girls. They often feel embarrassed because they do not look like their peers.  Self-esteem is often damaged which can have negative impact on further life. In addition, late puberty may become the sign of serious health problems or genetic disorders.

The situation is different with boys. Early puberty does not usually have negative impact on them. They feel more masculine and mature, discover new things about themselves.  Early puberty gives boys more athletic ad trained body, which guarantees them extra popularity in the society.  In some cases early puberty may become a distracting factor which prevents teens from study. Late puberty creates a lot of problems for boys. Lack of physical power, dissatisfaction with own look, low self-esteem are only some possible  consequences of late puberty.  In many cases boys with late puberty feel incompetent in comparison to their peers.  Unfortunately, negative attitude to own body in many cases stays even when the puberty age finally comes.

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