Exclusive essay

The exclusivity clause should be applied to the case because the case involves the definition of terms, such as ‘sandwich’, which comprise the core of the agreement between parties involved. The exclusivity clause intends to define clearly all terms and conditions of the agreement and essence of products that companies are using and selling. At the moment, the company is just looking for the accurate definition of key terms.


            The exclusivity clause allows the company to protect its products and intellectual property to prevent other companies from using the same products or its intellectual products.

Rule explanation

            The exclusivity clause intends to protect companies from the unauthorized use of their products and intellectual property and helps businesses to protect them from the unfair competition from the part of rivals, who can imitate their products or just use their intellectual property rights illegally. The accurate definition of terms is pivotal for the exclusivity clause.


            The application of the exclusivity clause in the case of PR involves the elaboration of succinct definitions of key terms, including products and services, the company provides for its customers. The definition of these terms is crucial to elaborate the agreement between the parties to come to agreement and avoid cases of misuse on intellectual property rights or products of companies by the third parties. The accurate definition of key terms will protect products and services of the company from the unfair competition from the part of rivals, who may try to imitate products of the company and violate its intellectual property rights.


            Thus, the exclusivity clause will protect the company from the unfair competition and enhance the competitive position of the company.

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